An illustrator for Zizou perfumes

I drew these young women for perfume packaging distributed in the United States: the "Zizou".
Designing the young "Zizou" women
French perfume designer Laure Arlaud was looking for a designer to create packaging illustrations for her new perfume. She contacted me, explained the project to me and I immediately wanted to participate. Here are the first pencil drawings that begin to define the personalities of different "Zizou" women.

sketches for zizou women
zizou in heels
The Zizou women are modern, open to the world, curious
The American customer had a very precise idea of what she wanted: 4 different perfumes for 4 young girls with marked characters: modern, open to the world, curious:
Zizou on a date: fanciful, she has a big heart and is confident.
She’s wearing a Fuchsia bustier dress and is carrying a small coloured bag, her hair in a chignon with golden shoes. She’s looking chic for a dinner date with her man.
Zizou in heels: feminine, more mature, sexy, glamor.
With a pair of leggings, a funky printed tee-shirt and a wide brimmed hat, we can see this woman leaning on a bridge in Paris.
Zizou in a bikini: sunny, positive, playful, sexy.
Wearing a swimsuit by the pool, with her scarf around her hair, her sunglasses and her assorted beach bag, she is looking colourful and dynamic.
Zizou in the surf : free, ambitious, audacious, passionate, strong, nature.
With her Blonde, natural hair in a ponytail, with her sporty graphic patterned shorts, she is ready to hit the waves!
These young women are beautiful and like to have fun: Just like us!
Zizou does not have a specific nationality, but it would rather be French: it’s easier for me!
I have done a lot of research for these illustrations of young Zizou women, as you can see in my pencil drawings: the French vision and the American vision of the values and qualities of young women are often distant. There are a lot of differences between the sketches from the beginning and the final result but I think that at the end of the day we still have beautiful illustrated packaging for Zizou perfumes!

sketches for zizou girls : zizou in heels

zizou in the surf

zizou in a bikini
And you, what zizou would you be?