“Its good for my figure”: illustrations of the book.

Health book Illustrations and Designs
This practical and fun guide book with plenty of tips and advice is for women who pay attention to their figure and who want to lose some weight, but without forgetting the fun!
I've enjoyed making this project.
Today's modern girl and her health
It was published by Editions Marie-France. For this project, I had to imagine and represent a young woman the heroine of the book, someone who is not too thin but not too large either! ... A young woman in whom readers can identify themselves, today’s modern girl.
She asks questions that many people ask themselves : how to correctly read the labels ? How to embellish your body ? How to have a flat stomach ? How to cook healthy and delicious meals ? What are the diets that will inspire us ? ...
A heroine throughout her day to day life
The tone of the book is rather light and so is our heroine. As a whole it was split into two colors, (mostly black), I had fun trying to find patterns and materials ... in 2 colors : I chose my usual red which is a bit dark, and green. To illustrate the book, I drew a lot of everyday situations that would accompany our heroine throughout the book : in town, at the market, on the beach. Basically, we follow her throughout her day to day life.
The book is in the coaching collection and is available for Marie-France Editions.