New illos: 3 beautiful women for Tupperware!

You’ve heard of Tupperware? you know, the famous boxes and kitchen accessories that marked your youth?
Well Tupperware asked me to create a series of women sketches for them. I had the pleasure of adding a little of my “French Touch” into the universe of this iconic American brand.
Women illustrations for the brand content
Here are a serie of drawings depicting the principle of the famous meetings that made the brand so notorious.
In the first picture, a woman, the “heroine” meets a Tupperware host in a friendly and open space such as a café.
In the second we can see her speaking with her friends in her kitchen. All three of them are relaxed, and are choosing their products on an iPad.
And in the last image… we can see her leaving with her Tupperware shopping, of course!
They’re nice women. They’re smiling, pretty but not overly dressed. I put them all in heels at first, but no, they are rather casual, friendly.
I enjoyed working on this brand content project, which was a collaboration between 3 people : the client, very friendly and very professional, Michael, my illustrator agent for the US, a great guy, and myself of course as the designer!