New style sketches

Fashion tips
There are new looks, trends, as well as basic clothing. Here are some sketches of women that I draw for Cristina Cordula‘s TV show : “Magnifique by Cristina”:
I still enjoy drawing new trends, colours, materials of the moment! But beware, beyond actual fashion, the rules for a successful look are sometimes subtle! Based on your morphology, a particular item of clothing can be worn … or not, or at least differently. These are Cristina’s tips that I explain with my pictures in this program. Even with the most beautiful clothes in the world, some notions of morphology are needed to enhance every woman with its own specificity.
For example, would you know how to recognize in these silhouettes of women the reasons what make Cristina say “No” to certain outfits?
First plate: the woman in the middle has a bit of a belly, in this case, Cristina says better not to tuck your shirt into your trousers; leave it out, just like in the drawing alongside.
Trend plates for fashion tips
Second plate: the woman on the left has an H and square body shape; in this case, putting a belt around her jacket makes her seem even larger. Cristina says better leave the jacket straight without a belt. The character with a coordinated twinset (do not do) is wearing the pencil skirt the “Grandma” way (One of Cristina’s expressions): pearls, flesh coloured tights, the headband, the twin set, no! Get inspired from the silhouette just next to it: it is a modern way to wear the pencil skirt: the skirt is fitted, there is a lot of fabric, worn with a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a bucket bag, original sandals and a loose bun is better, right?
fashion sketches for each woman morphology
Third tip: the female character with the red dress is small; in this case, better to avoid mid-calf boots. It cuts the leg and makes her seem smaller, better to wear open shoes.
Fourth: the model in the grey dress has strong calves ; in this case, it’s the same. Cristina says it is better to avoid mid-calf boots : it cuts the legs, draws attention to them and makes them look a lot wider, better to wear open shoes or high boots that hide your calves.
5th: when you are “petite”, you shouldn’t wear short pants,(Cristina says) it cut off your legs!
And you, what do you think about Cristina’s advices???